What is Energy Upgrade CA?
The local Independently owned utility companies Southern California Edison and Southern California Gas Company along with Los Angeles Department of Water and Power have formed an alliance to promote energy-efficiency upgrades in existing homes. Outside of the Los Angeles area, SDG&E and PG&E are part of the Energy Upgrade California Program as well making this the first time all of the major utility programs in California are promoting a unified rebate program.
Here is a short video about the program:
Homeowners can receive from $1,000 to approximately $6,500 in rebates based on how efficient they make their home. The more energy efficient you make your home the great the rebate. For the first time since the Energy Upgrade Ca program has started the local program has run out of funds for incentives for jobs submitted in 2017. All reservations need to be submitted before Sept 30, 2017, and the work completed by Nov 15, 2017. Please note that there are still funds available for Home Upgrade projects in the SCE and So Cal Gas utilities for 2017. Call us for any questions.
There are two different paths for homeowners.
The first path is called Home Upgrade formerly the Basic Path. It is designed to be the first step towards the whole house approach. Based on a point system for energy efficiency upgrades there are possible rebates between $1000 up and $2500.
The other path is the Advanced Home Upgrade, formerly called the Advanced Path. This has the highest possible rebate amounts and is the whole house approach since there are multiple base measures that are required. An energy audit is required to set the baseline or the benchmarking for the home, a scope of work is determined along with an energy model. After the homeowner choose the upgrades they want and these measures are installed another energy audit is required to document the exact improvements that were accomplished. Your rebate is based on the modeled energy reduction of the home from the installed upgrades.
The rebates start at $1000 for a minimum of a 10% reduction in the modeled energy reduction of the home. energy usage. The new incentive level if paid out at $130 per modeled percentage reduction. The cap has been removed on the rebate and is now unlimited. Realistically it caps out at about $6,500.
Why choose Building Doctors?
Building Doctors is currently the first participating contractor in the LA County Energy Upgrade California program. We had the first approved job through the program and first completed job making us quite familiar with the energy modeling software and required paperwork. We have also won the achievement awards from the Energy Upgrade CA program in both 2011, 2012, 2013 and 2014. We were also voted the 2013 Home Performance Contractor of the year by Build It Green. Won the Greatest Therm Reduction Award for an Energy Upgrade CA project in 2014.
Not only do we have Building Performance Institute certified building analysts doing the initial energy audit, but we do all of the work in-house since we own our own insulation installation and removal equipment, air sealing equipment and have a Heating and Air Conditioning license. By combining all of the needed trades, we save time on scheduling, setting up the house and installing the actual work, which streamlines the whole process and allows us to pass those savings on to you.
After we are done with the upgrades we do the same home energy audit that we did in the beginning so we can document the improvements we have made. There is a third party verification process with all of the work that we do to help assure customer satisfaction.
There is also some very attractive financing available though quite a few institutions.

Please note that we can't keep up with their exact interest rates so the ones on our website should be used as a guide only.
The Matadors Credit Union was one of the first to partner with the Energy Upgrade Ca incentive program.
Take a look at their website https://matadors.org/
Below is one of their previous deals:

There are also PACE (Property Assessed Clean Energy) lenders.
When you combine the potential of $6500 in rebates with the great financing options offered to LA County residents the time is now to upgrade your home.