Building Doctors is proud to work with SoCalGas® a Home Performance with ENERGY STAR® program in Southern California to deliver whole-house energy savings to improve comfort and help protect the environment.
The annual awards were a little different for 2017. They were given out at the January Energy Upgrade Calfornia contractor meeting. Building Doctors was honored to receive the award for the highest percentage energy savings in the advance Home Upgrade program for both the So Cal Gas and Southern Calfornia Edison program and the Gas only program that is in the LADWP territory. We also received the quality workmanship award from the Gas Company program. We have always taken great pride in that we are a quality company instead of a quantity company and receiving these awards proves that point. Pitcures are Denise Parker from Southern California Edison and Cyd Swain from the Gas Company with Dan Thomsen, President Building Doctors.

Certified as an existing home rater (ID # CCN82918240)