Energy Upgrade California in LA County offers property owners a preferred interest rate on eligible residential energy efficiency and solar projects.
The loans are offered by a private lender and leverage public funds to deliver an interest rate that is often lower than other loan options.
Financing Terms: LA County has bought down the interest to 4.9% for unsecured loans up to $50,000. They will be on a first come first serve basis. Here's the details:
• Types of Upgrades: Energy efficiency and solar
• Types of Loans: Both secured and unsecured are available
• Interest Rates: 6.99% to 8.99% simple interest rate for unsecured; 4.99% to 6.99% for secured
• Payment Duration: 5 to 10 years fixed for unsecured; 5 to 15 years fixed for secured
• Financing Amounts: $2,500-$30,000 unsecured; $15,000-$50,000 secured
• Other: No prepayment penalties or closing costs. Loan need not be net the utility incentive amount.
Program Details:
• Property owners can enjoy the combined benefits of incentives and competitive financing
• Residential, single family detached properties only
• If solar is to be financed, it must be installed concurrently or after the installation of energy efficiency measures

Have questions about how you can use these tax credits to make your home more efficient? Give Building Doctors a call for a FREE phone consultation at 323-646-BLDG (2534).
Tax Credits summary:
Clean & Concise Summary of Available Tax Credits by the Alliance to Save Energy
The DSIRE site contains a comprehensive list of programs:
The California State incentives:
California Incentives for Renewables and Efficiency
Local incentives:
Anaheim Public Utilities – Residential Home Efficiency Rebate Program
Burbank Water & Power – Residential Energy Efficiency Rebate Program
Glendale Water and Power – Residential Energy Efficiency Rebate Program
Pasadena Water and Power – Residential Energy Efficiency Rebate Program
Riverside Public Utilities – Residential Energy Efficiency Rebate Program
Flex Your Power “45% of a home’s heat loss comes from inadequate insulation. Increase your home’s efficiency by installing R-30 attic insulation and R-13 wall insulation. You’ll save up to $17 monthly (or up to 25%) on your winter heating costs.”
LADWP Consumer Rebate Program Offers Cash Incentives: The LADWP is offering the biggest consumer rebate program in the City’s history. Millions of dollars in rebates are available to customers who purchase qualifying Energy Star products. Call LADWP Customer Service at 800 342-5397.
Southern California Edison Multifamily Energy Efficiency Rebate Program: The Residential Multifamily Energy Efficiency Rebate Program offers property owners and managers incentives on a wide array of energy efficiency improvements in lighting, HVAC, insulation and window categories. These improvements are to be used to retrofit existing multifamily properties of two or more units. Call SCE General Residential Customer Service at 800 655-4555.
Southern California Gas Company Residential Rebate Program: Call SCGC Customer Service at 800 427-2200.